02396081 | Orono | AMINDNH | American Indian alone, non-Latinx | 1990 | 18 | 7285 | POP | Decennial Census 1990 SF1/SF3 |
02396081 | Orono | ASIANNH | Asian alone, non-Latinx | 1990 | 55 | 7285 | POP | Decennial Census 1990 SF1/SF3 |
02396081 | Orono | BLACKNH | Black alone, non-Latinx | 1990 | 28 | 7285 | POP | Decennial Census 1990 SF1/SF3 |
02396081 | Orono | HISPPOP | Hispanic or Latinx | 1990 | 58 | 7285 | POP | Decennial Census 1990 SF1/SF3 |
02396081 | Orono | OTHERNH | Some other race alone, non-Latinx | 1990 | 4 | 7285 | POP | Decennial Census 1990 SF1/SF3 |
02396081 | Orono | WHITENH | White alone, non-Latinx | 1990 | 7122 | 7285 | POP | Decennial Census 1990 SF1/SF3 |
02396081 | Orono | AMINDNH | American Indian alone, non-Latinx | 2000 | 11 | 7538 | POP | Decennial Census 2000 SF1/SF3 |
02396081 | Orono | ASIANNH | Asian alone, non-Latinx | 2000 | 71 | 7538 | POP | Decennial Census 2000 SF1/SF3 |
02396081 | Orono | BLACKNH | Black alone, non-Latinx | 2000 | 20 | 7538 | POP | Decennial Census 2000 SF1/SF3 |
02396081 | Orono | HISPPOP | Hispanic or Latinx | 2000 | 65 | 7538 | POP | Decennial Census 2000 SF1/SF3 |
02396081 | Orono | MULTRACENH | More than one race, non-Latinx | 2000 | 45 | 7538 | POP | Decennial Census 2000 SF1/SF3 |
02396081 | Orono | PACIFICNH | Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone, non-Latinx | 2000 | 0 | 7538 | POP | Decennial Census 2000 SF1/SF3 |
02396081 | Orono | OTHERNH | Some other race alone, non-Latinx | 2000 | 4 | 7538 | POP | Decennial Census 2000 SF1/SF3 |
02396081 | Orono | WHITENH | White alone, non-Latinx | 2000 | 7322 | 7538 | POP | Decennial Census 2000 SF1/SF3 |
02396081 | Orono | AMINDNH | American Indian alone, non-Latinx | 2009 | 20 | 7786 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2005-2009 |
02396081 | Orono | ASIANNH | Asian alone, non-Latinx | 2009 | 111 | 7786 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2005-2009 |
02396081 | Orono | BLACKNH | Black alone, non-Latinx | 2009 | 69 | 7786 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2005-2009 |
02396081 | Orono | HISPPOP | Hispanic or Latinx | 2009 | 114 | 7786 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2005-2009 |
02396081 | Orono | MULTRACENH | More than one race, non-Latinx | 2009 | 20 | 7786 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2005-2009 |
02396081 | Orono | PACIFICNH | Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone, non-Latinx | 2009 | 0 | 7786 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2005-2009 |
02396081 | Orono | OTHERNH | Some other race alone, non-Latinx | 2009 | 0 | 7786 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2005-2009 |
02396081 | Orono | WHITENH | White alone, non-Latinx | 2009 | 7452 | 7786 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2005-2009 |
02396081 | Orono | AMINDNH | American Indian alone, non-Latinx | 2010 | 14 | 7437 | POP | Decennial Census 2010 SF1 |
02396081 | Orono | ASIANNH | Asian alone, non-Latinx | 2010 | 82 | 7437 | POP | Decennial Census 2010 SF1 |
02396081 | Orono | BLACKNH | Black alone, non-Latinx | 2010 | 33 | 7437 | POP | Decennial Census 2010 SF1 |
02396081 | Orono | HISPPOP | Hispanic or Latinx | 2010 | 125 | 7437 | POP | Decennial Census 2010 SF1 |
02396081 | Orono | MULTRACENH | More than one race, non-Latinx | 2010 | 75 | 7437 | POP | Decennial Census 2010 SF1 |
02396081 | Orono | PACIFICNH | Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone, non-Latinx | 2010 | 2 | 7437 | POP | Decennial Census 2010 SF1 |
02396081 | Orono | OTHERNH | Some other race alone, non-Latinx | 2010 | 13 | 7437 | POP | Decennial Census 2010 SF1 |
02396081 | Orono | WHITENH | White alone, non-Latinx | 2010 | 7093 | 7437 | POP | Decennial Census 2010 SF1 |
02396081 | Orono | AMINDNH | American Indian alone, non-Latinx | 2010 | 25 | 7386 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2006-2010 |
02396081 | Orono | ASIANNH | Asian alone, non-Latinx | 2010 | 99 | 7386 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2006-2010 |
02396081 | Orono | BLACKNH | Black alone, non-Latinx | 2010 | 125 | 7386 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2006-2010 |
02396081 | Orono | HISPPOP | Hispanic or Latinx | 2010 | 105 | 7386 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2006-2010 |
02396081 | Orono | MULTRACENH | More than one race, non-Latinx | 2010 | 20 | 7386 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2006-2010 |
02396081 | Orono | PACIFICNH | Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone, non-Latinx | 2010 | 0 | 7386 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2006-2010 |
02396081 | Orono | OTHERNH | Some other race alone, non-Latinx | 2010 | 0 | 7386 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2006-2010 |
02396081 | Orono | WHITENH | White alone, non-Latinx | 2010 | 7012 | 7386 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2006-2010 |
02396081 | Orono | AMINDNH | American Indian alone, non-Latinx | 2011 | 48 | 7428 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2007-2011 |
02396081 | Orono | ASIANNH | Asian alone, non-Latinx | 2011 | 232 | 7428 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2007-2011 |
02396081 | Orono | BLACKNH | Black alone, non-Latinx | 2011 | 122 | 7428 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2007-2011 |
02396081 | Orono | HISPPOP | Hispanic or Latinx | 2011 | 99 | 7428 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2007-2011 |
02396081 | Orono | MULTRACENH | More than one race, non-Latinx | 2011 | 11 | 7428 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2007-2011 |
02396081 | Orono | PACIFICNH | Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone, non-Latinx | 2011 | 0 | 7428 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2007-2011 |
02396081 | Orono | OTHERNH | Some other race alone, non-Latinx | 2011 | 0 | 7428 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2007-2011 |
02396081 | Orono | WHITENH | White alone, non-Latinx | 2011 | 6916 | 7428 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2007-2011 |
02396081 | Orono | AMINDNH | American Indian alone, non-Latinx | 2012 | 50 | 7494 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2008-2012 |
02396081 | Orono | ASIANNH | Asian alone, non-Latinx | 2012 | 264 | 7494 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2008-2012 |
02396081 | Orono | BLACKNH | Black alone, non-Latinx | 2012 | 96 | 7494 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2008-2012 |
02396081 | Orono | HISPPOP | Hispanic or Latinx | 2012 | 21 | 7494 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2008-2012 |
02396081 | Orono | MULTRACENH | More than one race, non-Latinx | 2012 | 37 | 7494 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2008-2012 |
02396081 | Orono | PACIFICNH | Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone, non-Latinx | 2012 | 0 | 7494 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2008-2012 |
02396081 | Orono | OTHERNH | Some other race alone, non-Latinx | 2012 | 0 | 7494 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2008-2012 |
02396081 | Orono | WHITENH | White alone, non-Latinx | 2012 | 7026 | 7494 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2008-2012 |
02396081 | Orono | AMINDNH | American Indian alone, non-Latinx | 2013 | 50 | 7586 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2009-2013 |
02396081 | Orono | ASIANNH | Asian alone, non-Latinx | 2013 | 206 | 7586 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2009-2013 |
02396081 | Orono | BLACKNH | Black alone, non-Latinx | 2013 | 109 | 7586 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2009-2013 |
02396081 | Orono | HISPPOP | Hispanic or Latinx | 2013 | 92 | 7586 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2009-2013 |
02396081 | Orono | MULTRACENH | More than one race, non-Latinx | 2013 | 36 | 7586 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2009-2013 |
02396081 | Orono | PACIFICNH | Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone, non-Latinx | 2013 | 0 | 7586 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2009-2013 |
02396081 | Orono | OTHERNH | Some other race alone, non-Latinx | 2013 | 66 | 7586 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2009-2013 |
02396081 | Orono | WHITENH | White alone, non-Latinx | 2013 | 7027 | 7586 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2009-2013 |
02396081 | Orono | AMINDNH | American Indian alone, non-Latinx | 2014 | 60 | 7690 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2010-2014 |
02396081 | Orono | ASIANNH | Asian alone, non-Latinx | 2014 | 161 | 7690 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2010-2014 |
02396081 | Orono | BLACKNH | Black alone, non-Latinx | 2014 | 103 | 7690 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2010-2014 |
02396081 | Orono | HISPPOP | Hispanic or Latinx | 2014 | 86 | 7690 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2010-2014 |
02396081 | Orono | MULTRACENH | More than one race, non-Latinx | 2014 | 23 | 7690 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2010-2014 |
02396081 | Orono | PACIFICNH | Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone, non-Latinx | 2014 | 0 | 7690 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2010-2014 |
02396081 | Orono | OTHERNH | Some other race alone, non-Latinx | 2014 | 68 | 7690 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2010-2014 |
02396081 | Orono | WHITENH | White alone, non-Latinx | 2014 | 7189 | 7690 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2010-2014 |
02396081 | Orono | AMINDNH | American Indian alone, non-Latinx | 2015 | 56 | 7795 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2011-2015 |
02396081 | Orono | ASIANNH | Asian alone, non-Latinx | 2015 | 147 | 7795 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2011-2015 |
02396081 | Orono | BLACKNH | Black alone, non-Latinx | 2015 | 60 | 7795 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2011-2015 |
02396081 | Orono | HISPPOP | Hispanic or Latinx | 2015 | 107 | 7795 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2011-2015 |
02396081 | Orono | MULTRACENH | More than one race, non-Latinx | 2015 | 36 | 7795 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2011-2015 |
02396081 | Orono | PACIFICNH | Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone, non-Latinx | 2015 | 0 | 7795 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2011-2015 |
02396081 | Orono | OTHERNH | Some other race alone, non-Latinx | 2015 | 59 | 7795 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2011-2015 |
02396081 | Orono | WHITENH | White alone, non-Latinx | 2015 | 7330 | 7795 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2011-2015 |
02396081 | Orono | AMINDNH | American Indian alone, non-Latinx | 2016 | 40 | 7772 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2012-2016 |
02396081 | Orono | ASIANNH | Asian alone, non-Latinx | 2016 | 47 | 7772 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2012-2016 |
02396081 | Orono | BLACKNH | Black alone, non-Latinx | 2016 | 36 | 7772 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2012-2016 |
02396081 | Orono | HISPPOP | Hispanic or Latinx | 2016 | 154 | 7772 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2012-2016 |
02396081 | Orono | MULTRACENH | More than one race, non-Latinx | 2016 | 53 | 7772 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2012-2016 |
02396081 | Orono | PACIFICNH | Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone, non-Latinx | 2016 | 0 | 7772 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2012-2016 |
02396081 | Orono | OTHERNH | Some other race alone, non-Latinx | 2016 | 64 | 7772 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2012-2016 |
02396081 | Orono | WHITENH | White alone, non-Latinx | 2016 | 7378 | 7772 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2012-2016 |
02396081 | Orono | AMINDNH | American Indian alone, non-Latinx | 2017 | 0 | 7887 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2013-2017 |
02396081 | Orono | ASIANNH | Asian alone, non-Latinx | 2017 | 128 | 7887 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2013-2017 |
02396081 | Orono | BLACKNH | Black alone, non-Latinx | 2017 | 30 | 7887 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2013-2017 |
02396081 | Orono | HISPPOP | Hispanic or Latinx | 2017 | 126 | 7887 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2013-2017 |
02396081 | Orono | MULTRACENH | More than one race, non-Latinx | 2017 | 70 | 7887 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2013-2017 |
02396081 | Orono | PACIFICNH | Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone, non-Latinx | 2017 | 0 | 7887 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2013-2017 |
02396081 | Orono | OTHERNH | Some other race alone, non-Latinx | 2017 | 65 | 7887 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2013-2017 |
02396081 | Orono | WHITENH | White alone, non-Latinx | 2017 | 7468 | 7887 | POP | American Community Survey 5Yr Summary File 2013-2017 |
02396081 | Orono | AMINDNH | American Indian alone, non-Latinx | 2018 | 0 | 8015 | POP | American Community Survey 5yr Summary File 2014-2018 |
02396081 | Orono | ASIANNH | Asian alone, non-Latinx | 2018 | 116 | 8015 | POP | American Community Survey 5yr Summary File 2014-2018 |
02396081 | Orono | BLACKNH | Black alone, non-Latinx | 2018 | 3 | 8015 | POP | American Community Survey 5yr Summary File 2014-2018 |
02396081 | Orono | HISPPOP | Hispanic or Latinx | 2018 | 45 | 8015 | POP | American Community Survey 5yr Summary File 2014-2018 |
02396081 | Orono | MULTRACENH | More than one race, non-Latinx | 2018 | 68 | 8015 | POP | American Community Survey 5yr Summary File 2014-2018 |
02396081 | Orono | PACIFICNH | Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone, non-Latinx | 2018 | 0 | 8015 | POP | American Community Survey 5yr Summary File 2014-2018 |
02396081 | Orono | OTHERNH | Some other race alone, non-Latinx | 2018 | 0 | 8015 | POP | American Community Survey 5yr Summary File 2014-2018 |
02396081 | Orono | WHITENH | White alone, non-Latinx | 2018 | 7783 | 8015 | POP | American Community Survey 5yr Summary File 2014-2018 |
02396081 | Orono | AMINDNH | American Indian alone, non-Latinx | 2019 | 0 | 8113 | POP | American Community Survey 5yr Summary File 2015-2019 |
02396081 | Orono | ASIANNH | Asian alone, non-Latinx | 2019 | 138 | 8113 | POP | American Community Survey 5yr Summary File 2015-2019 |
02396081 | Orono | BLACKNH | Black alone, non-Latinx | 2019 | 3 | 8113 | POP | American Community Survey 5yr Summary File 2015-2019 |
02396081 | Orono | HISPPOP | Hispanic or Latinx | 2019 | 45 | 8113 | POP | American Community Survey 5yr Summary File 2015-2019 |
02396081 | Orono | MULTRACENH | More than one race, non-Latinx | 2019 | 79 | 8113 | POP | American Community Survey 5yr Summary File 2015-2019 |
02396081 | Orono | PACIFICNH | Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone, non-Latinx | 2019 | 0 | 8113 | POP | American Community Survey 5yr Summary File 2015-2019 |
02396081 | Orono | OTHERNH | Some other race alone, non-Latinx | 2019 | 0 | 8113 | POP | American Community Survey 5yr Summary File 2015-2019 |
02396081 | Orono | WHITENH | White alone, non-Latinx | 2019 | 7848 | 8113 | POP | American Community Survey 5yr Summary File 2015-2019 |
02396081 | Orono | AMINDNH | American Indian alone, non-Latinx | 2020 | 12 | 8315 | POP | Decennial Census 2020 DHC |
02396081 | Orono | ASIANNH | Asian alone, non-Latinx | 2020 | 121 | 8315 | POP | Decennial Census 2020 DHC |
02396081 | Orono | BLACKNH | Black alone, non-Latinx | 2020 | 31 | 8315 | POP | Decennial Census 2020 DHC |
02396081 | Orono | HISPPOP | Hispanic or Latinx | 2020 | 201 | 8315 | POP | Decennial Census 2020 DHC |
02396081 | Orono | MULTRACENH | More than one race, non-Latinx | 2020 | 259 | 8315 | POP | Decennial Census 2020 DHC |
02396081 | Orono | PACIFICNH | Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone, non-Latinx | 2020 | 2 | 8315 | POP | Decennial Census 2020 DHC |
02396081 | Orono | OTHERNH | Some other race alone, non-Latinx | 2020 | 38 | 8315 | POP | Decennial Census 2020 DHC |
02396081 | Orono | WHITENH | White alone, non-Latinx | 2020 | 7651 | 8315 | POP | Decennial Census 2020 DHC |
02396081 | Orono | AMINDNH | American Indian alone, non-Latinx | 2020 | 0 | 8217 | POP | American Community Survey 5yr Summary File 2016-2020 |
02396081 | Orono | ASIANNH | Asian alone, non-Latinx | 2020 | 414 | 8217 | POP | American Community Survey 5yr Summary File 2016-2020 |
02396081 | Orono | BLACKNH | Black alone, non-Latinx | 2020 | 3 | 8217 | POP | American Community Survey 5yr Summary File 2016-2020 |
02396081 | Orono | HISPPOP | Hispanic or Latinx | 2020 | 62 | 8217 | POP | American Community Survey 5yr Summary File 2016-2020 |
02396081 | Orono | MULTRACENH | More than one race, non-Latinx | 2020 | 142 | 8217 | POP | American Community Survey 5yr Summary File 2016-2020 |
02396081 | Orono | PACIFICNH | Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone, non-Latinx | 2020 | 0 | 8217 | POP | American Community Survey 5yr Summary File 2016-2020 |
02396081 | Orono | OTHERNH | Some other race alone, non-Latinx | 2020 | 0 | 8217 | POP | American Community Survey 5yr Summary File 2016-2020 |
02396081 | Orono | WHITENH | White alone, non-Latinx | 2020 | 7596 | 8217 | POP | American Community Survey 5yr Summary File 2016-2020 |
02396081 | Orono | AMINDNH | American Indian alone, non-Latinx | 2021 | 0 | 8252 | POP | American Community Survey 5yr Summary File 2017-2021 |
02396081 | Orono | ASIANNH | Asian alone, non-Latinx | 2021 | 494 | 8252 | POP | American Community Survey 5yr Summary File 2017-2021 |
02396081 | Orono | BLACKNH | Black alone, non-Latinx | 2021 | 3 | 8252 | POP | American Community Survey 5yr Summary File 2017-2021 |
02396081 | Orono | HISPPOP | Hispanic or Latinx | 2021 | 0 | 8252 | POP | American Community Survey 5yr Summary File 2017-2021 |
02396081 | Orono | MULTRACENH | More than one race, non-Latinx | 2021 | 111 | 8252 | POP | American Community Survey 5yr Summary File 2017-2021 |
02396081 | Orono | PACIFICNH | Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone, non-Latinx | 2021 | 0 | 8252 | POP | American Community Survey 5yr Summary File 2017-2021 |
02396081 | Orono | OTHERNH | Some other race alone, non-Latinx | 2021 | 0 | 8252 | POP | American Community Survey 5yr Summary File 2017-2021 |
02396081 | Orono | WHITENH | White alone, non-Latinx | 2021 | 7644 | 8252 | POP | American Community Survey 5yr Summary File 2017-2021 |
02396081 | Orono | AMINDNH | American Indian alone, non-Latinx | 2022 | 5 | 8223 | POP | American Community Survey 5yr Summary File 2018-2022 |
02396081 | Orono | ASIANNH | Asian alone, non-Latinx | 2022 | 506 | 8223 | POP | American Community Survey 5yr Summary File 2018-2022 |
02396081 | Orono | BLACKNH | Black alone, non-Latinx | 2022 | 5 | 8223 | POP | American Community Survey 5yr Summary File 2018-2022 |
02396081 | Orono | HISPPOP | Hispanic or Latinx | 2022 | 22 | 8223 | POP | American Community Survey 5yr Summary File 2018-2022 |
02396081 | Orono | MULTRACENH | More than one race, non-Latinx | 2022 | 231 | 8223 | POP | American Community Survey 5yr Summary File 2018-2022 |
02396081 | Orono | PACIFICNH | Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone, non-Latinx | 2022 | 0 | 8223 | POP | American Community Survey 5yr Summary File 2018-2022 |
02396081 | Orono | OTHERNH | Some other race alone, non-Latinx | 2022 | 207 | 8223 | POP | American Community Survey 5yr Summary File 2018-2022 |
02396081 | Orono | WHITENH | White alone, non-Latinx | 2022 | 7247 | 8223 | POP | American Community Survey 5yr Summary File 2018-2022 |
02396081 | Orono | AMINDNH | American Indian alone, non-Latinx | 2023 | 5 | 8205 | POP | American Community Survey 5yr Summary File 2019-2023 |
02396081 | Orono | ASIANNH | Asian alone, non-Latinx | 2023 | 493 | 8205 | POP | American Community Survey 5yr Summary File 2019-2023 |
02396081 | Orono | BLACKNH | Black alone, non-Latinx | 2023 | 6 | 8205 | POP | American Community Survey 5yr Summary File 2019-2023 |
02396081 | Orono | HISPPOP | Hispanic or Latinx | 2023 | 30 | 8205 | POP | American Community Survey 5yr Summary File 2019-2023 |
02396081 | Orono | MULTRACENH | More than one race, non-Latinx | 2023 | 264 | 8205 | POP | American Community Survey 5yr Summary File 2019-2023 |
02396081 | Orono | PACIFICNH | Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone, non-Latinx | 2023 | 0 | 8205 | POP | American Community Survey 5yr Summary File 2019-2023 |
02396081 | Orono | OTHERNH | Some other race alone, non-Latinx | 2023 | 287 | 8205 | POP | American Community Survey 5yr Summary File 2019-2023 |
02396081 | Orono | WHITENH | White alone, non-Latinx | 2023 | 7120 | 8205 | POP | American Community Survey 5yr Summary File 2019-2023 |